Sunday, October 26, 2014

Week 8

This week I decided to use Prezi. for my visuals. I am currently teaching a pre-Algebra class at the college level. The class is mostly for students with a specific learning disability. The rest of the class is a group of mixed students whom for one reason or another has either forgotten all of their math from high school or decided not to take the entrance test to college. I have one student who had a stroke.

With this mixed bag I have been trying to unravel how to teach so math makes sense to them. Some need the concept then the steps, others need the opposite and the student (who is very young 18 or 19 at the most) who had a stroke needs constant review and can not make jumps to combining steps. Now that I am in week 5 of the class I am transition the class to stations and packets to work more individually with the students. The first four weeks was revue of elementary math.

What I have gotten from this class is what I put in Prezi. What do the majority of students have trouble with, no matter the reason, in math (population 19 students).

Images for me are very important. I use videos online web pages pictures anything one can look at and gather information from that is not a whole bunch of words in paragraphs. So that is why I used Prezi, because the words are their without any images but circled and grouped. I believe this helps categorize the ideas.

pre Algebra notes on students in circles

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